Security Research
by Alexander Sotirov
CSAW final reverse engineering challenge
Nov 6, 2010
The final round of the CSAW CTF competition took place on October 29th in New York and included a reverse engineering challenge I created specifically for this event. Since the teams in the qualifying round showed some pretty impressive reversing talent, I tried to make the final harder. Much harder. So hard that in fact not a single team solved the challenge.
If you'd like to try, you can download the CSAW-FINAL-SOTIROV.RAR archive, which contains an installer for a modified version of Adobe Reader 9.2 and a PDF file. Once you extract the files, follow the instructions below:
Install AdbeRdr910_bg_BG.msi. This is a slighly modified version of Adobe Reader with some extra functionality.
Open CSAW.pdf and enter a key in the form. If the key is correct, Adobe Reader will pop up a message box to congratulate you.
Your goal is to find the modifications in Adobe Reader and find the key that brings up the message box. If solve the challenge, I would appreciate it if you post a description of how you solved it and email me to let me know.